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Beyond Sunday Worship
There’s Always Something Going On
There’s a whole lot happening within our community throughout the week. We hold frequent gatherings and events, with special get-togethers for families, kids, and new members.
Ongoing Events and Prayer Groups
Every Sunday 8:30 AM
Jesus reveals to us that “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind.”
But to do so, we must make time for Him. The rosary is the perfect way to make time to connect with God, and for spiritual healing. Come early to the 9:00 Sunday Mass and participate in the weekly Rosary.
St Theresa Prayer Group
Meets in the Chapel every 3rd Monday at 10:45
Join other from the community to pray together. "For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Mt 18:20
Men's Holy Name Society
1st Thursday of Each Month 7:00 PM in Noll Hall
The Society of the Holy Name is a Roman Catholic spiritual organization of the laity under the care of the Dominican Order. It promotes devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and assists each member in growing in holiness.
The Holy Name Society of St Joseph Parish raises funds for charitable causes within the parish, the diocese and the local parish community. The Holy Name Society works diligently to build up the parish by leading it in service and in worship.
Young Adult Community
3rd Thursday of Each Month 7:00 PM
Join other young couples in both social and faithful gatherings the 3rd Thursday of each month. Check the bulletin for upcoming events and locations.
Patriotic Rosary
1st and 3rd Monday Each Month 7:00 PM in Church
Inspired by Our Lady of Medjugorje, the Patriotic Rosary is a powerful prayer for divine protection and mercy for our Nation and its rebirth.
Saint Padre Pio Prayer Group
4th Thursday of each Month
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Adult Choir Practice
Every Wednesday at 7:00 pm
Practices will be on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. The choir will sing at the 9:00 am Mass on Sundays. If you are interested in joining the choir, please contact the parish office.
Flea Market
The area's largest indoor flea market!
Featuring toys, furniture, tools, household goods, children's clothing, and more! If a parishioner is interested in volunteering to work at the flea market, please contact the parish office. It is also a great opportunity for students to earn service hours.
Coffee & Donuts
Monthly After Sunday Masses
We gather together once a month for fellowship following the Sunday Masses and enjoy coffee and donuts with our fellow parishioners. Coffee and donuts are served after all of the Sunday masses on that scheduled day. No events are scheduled over the summer months (June - August).
To join this group as a Host/Hostess, please call the Parish Office at 859-341-6609
Happy Timers
Social 50+
This social group is for parishioners over the age of 50 who participate in trips, outings, and regular activities. They meet once a month for dinner in Noll Hall. For more information, please call Dot Kloeker at 859-801-1579.
Cavalier Call
Our Annual SJS Fundraiser
Cavalier Call is an annual event bringing the entire St. Joseph Community together for a night of cheer, auctioneers, and cavaliers to support St. Joseph School. Please follow Cavalier Call on Facebook.
SJS School Newsletter
The Cavalier Connection
Want to keep up with what's going on in our school, the parish's largest ministry?
Here is the link to the latest school newsletter, The Cavalier Connection:
Upcoming Events