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Get Involved

Serve God, Serve Neighbor

St. Joseph Parish has many opportunities to serve Christ and others.  There are areas of engagement for all ages and interests.   Many parishioners want to get involved.  More opportunities will be coming out to build up or parish family and our whole community.  These are just a few areas in the parish where there is always a need and a place for someone who feels called to serve.


If you would like to get involved in any of these areas of our parish, please contact our parish Secretary, Susie Alcini, at


Thank you for all you do to serve Christ and His Church!

Get Involved: Text

Liturgical Life

- Altar Server
- Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
- Lector, Usher
- Greeter
- Choir Member
- Sacristan
- Gift Bearer Family  
- Liturigical church decor
- Church Cleaner and more!

Spiritual Life

- Join a prayer group
- Bible study group
- Seasonal Faith Series
- Retreats and Days of Recollection
are offered throughout the year.


Help educate parishioners of all ages by serving as a
- Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Catechist 
- School volunteer
- Sunday School Help
- School Grandparents' Group
- Lunch/Recess Volunteers
- School Safety Volunteer 
- helping with RCIA or our various classes

Corporal Works of Mercy

- Bereavement Ministry
- Christian Outreach
- Homebound and Hospitalized Ministry
- Young Families Baptismal Preparation 
- Marriage Preparation and Mentoring 
- Walking with Mom’s in Need 
- Rose Garden Mission
- St. Vincent de Paul

Parish Life

- Hospitality
- Evangelization
- Hosting Coffee and Donuts - Groundskeeping
- Parish office fill-in
- Clerical Support/Data Entry
- Fundraising
- Holy Name Society (Men)
- Friends in Faith (Women)
- Knights and Dames of the Altar Server Fraternity/Sorority (Adults interested could help with social and service events)
- Vacation Bible Camp Volunteer



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