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Adult Ministries

The adult ministry exists to draw us together as Faith builders in our lives, our homes, our jobs, our community, and our church. We strive to be continually growing in our relationship with Christ through prayer, studying His word, fellowship, and service. 

Small Groups are a great way to grow in faith, practicing accountability and becoming stronger disciples for Christ.

RCIA, Bible Studies, retreats, fellowship, and more. St. Joseph is committed to the continued growth of Faith of our adult parishioners because we believe we all need Jesus and we need one another. Our adult ministries help facilitate encounters with Jesus in the context of everyday life. Below are some of our Adult Groups that you can get involved with.

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Together we imagine a circle of compassion and no one standing outside of it.

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Holy Name Society

The Society of the Holy Name is a Roman Catholic spiritual organization of the laity under the care of the Dominican Order. It promotes devotion to the Holy Name of Jesus and assists each member in growing in holiness. 

The Holy Name Society of St Joseph Parish raises funds for charitable causes within the parish, the diocese and the local parish community. The Holy Name Society works diligently to build up the parish by leading it in service and in worship.

They meet on the First Thursday of the month at 7:30 pm in Noll Hall. 


Walking with Purpose

Our mission is to help every Catholic woman to open her heart to Jesus Christ and to know Him personally through Scripture and the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

We begin with “Opening Your Heart” the foundational study, regardless of past Bible study experience. From there, WWP offers more advanced studies to choose from, varying in length and intensity. The materials are designed to give you all you need to encounter Christ personally through the pages of the Bible.  If you attend WWP, you'll meet weekly either to discuss the lesson or watch an inspirational video at a Connect Coffee.



Welcome Weekend – “aka Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP)” is a personal and parish spiritual renewal process. As Catholics, we are called to witness to one another the amazing things God has done for us. The Welcome process allows us to take a break from busy lives, share our faith with others, and get to know God through his works.

Participants attend a 2-day, 1-overnight renewal weekend to focus on where they are in their spiritual journeys. Music, faith sharing, Mass, individual and group activities help to reflect on current relationship with God and inspire them to be open to the way God is working in their lives.

After attending a renewal weekend, participants are invited to serve on the next men’s Welcome team at their parish. They will go through a time of team fellowship, and formation as the team prays, works, and prepares to lead the next retreat.

After sharing in the Welcome weekend, participants are encouraged to seek other ministries in their parish to serve and help make the parish a more vibrant faith community

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Friends in Faith

The women's Friends in Faith Group is a social group that gathers both for service and for fun.  We have several events throughout the year where all are invited to come and meet other women who share the faith.  Past events include, gathering donations for blessing bags, bourbon tasting,


Cana Mothers of Young Children

Want an opportunity to meet other moms just like you? Delve into who you are as a wife and mother in the light of your Catholic faith and equip yourself with practical tools that will help you raise great kids! Cana Mothers of Young Children (formally Familia) is a four year program that runs during the school year.  If you are interested in learning more about this dynamic program please contact Karin Geraci at 717-575-4504 to join a group.

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The meaning of Cursillo is “Short Course in Christianity”.  It begins on a Thursday evening and ends on Sunday night. During those three days those attendees live and work together listening to talks given by priests or other religious and laity. They also share the Eucharist and pray together.

The Cursillo is and encounter with Christ making it an exciting, prayer and joy filled weekend! Cursillo correctly applied can have very positive results in the spiritual revitalization of the world.

The goal of the movement is that Christ be the prime influence in society. The primary objectives of the Cursillo Movement are to develop in adult Christians a consciousness of their role to bring Christ to their families, to the places they work, socialize and to sustain them as they live their walk of faith. The “Christianizing of Environments” is what the Cursillo Movement is all about.

Cursillo is offered through the Diocese of Covington.

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