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Welcome to St. Joseph Catholic Church

Home: Welcome

Mass Schedule

Come and worship with us.


Sunday Obligation

Saturday:  5:00 pm (Church)

Sunday:  9:00 am, 11:00 am (Church)



Tuesday 6:45 am  (SJ School Library, or Noll Hall)

Wednesday 9:00 am (All School Mass- in SJ School Gym)

Thursday 9:00 am (SJ School Library, or Noll Hall)

Friday 6:45 am (SJ School Library, Noll Hall)

Saturday 9:00 am (Church)​​

Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we complete the construction!



Holy Thursday, April 17:   Mass of the Lord's Supper at 7:00 pm in church

(no 9:00 am Mass)


Good Friday, April 18:  No Masses

Day of Fast & Abstinence

Veneration of the Cross/Communion Service at 3:00 pm in church

Stations of the Cross at 6:00 pm in church


Holy Saturday, April 19:

No morning Masses, no confession or 5:00 pm Mass

Easter Vigil Mass 9:00 pm


Easter Sunday, April 20 :

Sunday Mass Schedule:  9:00 am and 11:00 am




 Saturdays at 9:30 am (Except Holy Saturday) or by appointment.  

Tuesdays during Lent 6:30-8:00 pm (except Holy Week)




Stations of the Cross - Fridays

March 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4, 11, 18


The Chosen Video Series - Tuesdays beginning March 11

Except April 15 (Holy Week)


Eucharistic Adoration: available 24 hours in chapel


High School Bible Study: Wednesdays & Thursdays, 7:30pm in library of hall except Holy Week


Fish Fry - March 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4, 11

Fridays of Lent, except Good Friday​


Padre Pio Prayer Group: March 27 at 7pm in church


Consecration of Altar and Rededication of Church  - April 5 at 5pm Mass


Patriotic Rosary:  April 7 at 7pm in church


P.R.E.P. Lenten Mass:  April 14 at 6:46pm in church


Parish Egg Hunt - April 13, rain or shine

12:15 pm front lawn

Coffee & Donuts - in Hall


PREP Lenten Mass - April 14, 6:45 in church


Chrism Mass - April 15, 7:00pm Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption




Please note that weekday Masses will be celebrated in the gym and library of St. Joseph School due to ongoing construction in the sanctuary.   Please sign in at the school office (for Wednesday Masses) or in the library (for Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday Masses).   



 Saturdays at 9:30 am (Except Holy Saturday) or by appointment.  

Tuesdays during Lent 6:30-8:00 pm (except Holy Week)



Tuesdays 7:15 am to 9:00 pm in chapel

No Tuesday Adoration in church until further notice due to construction in Sanctuary. 


All other days available 24/7 in chapel

The chapel will continue to be available for Adoration as usual.​​


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Get ready for a delicious Lenten tradition!

St. Joe’s Holy Name Society is thrilled to host its very first Fish Fry. 

Join us on the Fridays during Lent (except for Good Friday) for a fried seafood dinner, featuring our signature panko breaded fish!  
Best of all, every meal supports the Holy Name Society’s charitable efforts, helping us give back to the parish and community.
Bring your family and friends and come for a delicious dinner of fish with some tasty sides and a drink!

See full menu here.


Consecration of the Most Holy Altar


Rededication of the Church


St. Joseph Catholic Church

2470 Lorraine Ct.

Crescent Springs, Kentucky


Saturday, April 5 at 5pm

Celebrant:  Most Rev. John C. Iffert


Reception to follow in Noll Hall

If you plan to attend the reception

RSVP:  859-341-6609 or 


by Friday, March 28 at 5pm.


We anticipate that the Mass will last at least 2 hours.  We will not have reserved seating.



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Vacation Bible Camp

June 16 - 20, 2025


​It's not too early to sign-up!

Registration is due no later than May 1.


Join us each morning, Monday thru Friday, from 9am to 12pm, as we grow in our faith through Vacation Bible Camp.  Children entering K thru 6th grade may participate.  Our day includes Bible stories, videos, crafts, music, snacks, prayer and much more!  Held on St. Joseph property.  


Adult and teen volunteers are needed.  Interested volunteers should fill out the bottom portion of the registration form.


Please direct all questions to Tina Klare at 341-6609, ext 4023.


Link to the registration form is below. 


Upcoming Events


Pray the Rosary With Us


1st Monday of the Month

Monday, April 7

The Patriotic Rosary is prayed on the first Monday of each month in the church at 7pm.​  Please join us in praying for our country through the intercession of our Blessed Mother.


4th Thursday of the Month

Thursday, March 27

Join the Padre Pio Prayer Group on the 4th Thursday of the month at 7pm in the church for recitation of the Rosary, prayers, and a discussion.  


Sundays in Church at 8:25am

Join us as we pray the Rosary in church every Sunday  at 8:25am.


Every Saturday after 9am Mass

Every Saturday after 9am Mass, parishioners meet to pray a Rosary for Life and for an end to abortion.  Our Ministry of Life group invites everyone to join us in this prayer.  Meeting the back of the right nave.​

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Men's Holy Name Society

Next meeting - Thursday, April 3

Men of the parish are invited to the next Holy Name meeting. Meetings are held in Noll Hall, the first Thursday of each month. A social hour, with free food and drinks, starts at 7:30 pm and the meeting starts at 8:30 pm.

Come and join us and meet other men of our parish and see what the Men’s Holy Name Society is all about.  

All men age 21 and over are welcome to join.

Congratulations, Janie Terrell!


Congratulations to Janie Terrell, the winner of the 2025 Robet B. Noll, Sr. Service Award for her dedication to service and her witness to the charity of Christ and His Church.  

Jane was presented with the award at the  5:00 pm Mass on Saturday, March 15.

Image by Renáta-Adrienn

Save the Dates!

Be sure to mark your calendar for these dates!


Feast of St. Joseph Celebration - Weekend of March 15 & 16


St. Joseph's Annual Flea Market - June 6 & 7


St. Joseph's Vacation Bible Camp - June 16 - 20

click here for registration form


St. Joseph's Parish Festival - August 1, 2 & 3


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Eucharistic Adoration Invitation

Spend time with our Lord, Jesus Christ, in Eucharistic Adoration.


Tuesdays from 7:15am to 8:45pm in the main church

24 hours a day/7 days a week in the Adoration Chapel

No Tuesday Adoration in church until further notice due to construction in Sanctuary.

Our Blessed Sacrament Chapel is available for perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.  The exterior door to the left of the center nave is unlocked 7 days a week from 6am to 9pm.  Guidelines to use the chapel are posted on the door.  If you wish to use the Adoration Chapel between 9pm and 6am, please stop by or call the parish office for the keypad instructions.


This quiet time for prayer and reflection is immeasurable.  Please consider joining Our Lord in this personal time with Him. 

Book Signing

Remembrance Fund

Remember your loved ones by having their names inscribed in our Parish Book of Remembrance.  Occasions for Remembrance Funds could include birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, births, baptisms, deaths, etc. 

To make a donation to the Rembrance Fund, please contact Susie at 859-341-6609 or salcini@stjosephcsky.

St. Joseph Certificate Program


Gift cards for various restaurants and stores are available for purchase in the parish office.  The percentages earned back to our parishrange from 2% to 15%, or more.  The greater our parish participation, the greater the profit! 


Call 859-341-6609 to check availability or to arrange pickup.  Cards can also be ordered for your convenience.

Order forms are available in church or download the forms here.

About St. Joseph Catholic Parish

St. Joseph Catholic Church welcomes all individuals seeking God’s love, and keep our doors open to every soul seeking to welcome Jesus into their hearts. We invite you to open your heart and allow His grace to penetrate into your soul.

Our church stands as a beacon of hope in Crescent Springs. We are a place of acceptance, peace and joy to all who are moved to join us. Our church family is richly diverse, with people of different ages and backgrounds coming together to worship and serve together. Get in touch to find out more or join us for a service.

The planning has begun!  Are you looking to get involved?  Want to be on the Committee, a Volunteer, Sponsor, or Donate?


Contact us:​

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